It’s been a crazy 2 months since the release of WorkAdventure 1.7 and a lot of things happened in our beloved universe.

The team is getting bigger, the community is getting stronger and overall, we shipped quite an impressive number of features in only 2 months.

We are super-thrilled to announce the new WorkAdventure 1.8, available right now!

🚀 New features


WorkAdventure is now available in multiple languages, thanks to the new translation system by @nolway!

We already have translations in French and German (thanks to @Lurkars). Even better, we have a complete doc explaining how to add new translations here:

So here is an official call to our great community: If you want to translate WorkAdventure in your native language, don't hesitate to contribute the translations, it's easy :)

Follow me

You know how there is usually this one person in a group that doesn't understand how you are supposed to move your character?

Well you can now ask people in the same discussion bubble as you to follow you!

Super cool to lead the way and make a guided tour of your awesome map to new-comers! A great way to introduce the most reluctant people to the joy of virtual pixelated universes! 😊

This was introduced by @pizkaz as part of the #rC3.

Move on click

You can now move to a given position using the right click of the mouse (or using a short tap on your mobile phone)! Our new "shortest path" algorithm will compute the shortest path to get you to your destination.